Thursday, February 05, 2009

Lend 4 Health

I was asked quite some time ago to write about this website by more than one person. My lack of writing about it does not have anything to do with not thinking it is a fantastic idea, rather it is just an indication of just how busy I have been.

From their website: Lend4Health facilitates community-based, interest-free "micro-loans" as a creative funding option for individuals seeking optimal health. Currently, Lend4Health is facilitating loans for the "biomedical" treatment of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders. Other health issues may be included on Lend4Health in the future.

Check it out - look at the pictures of the children on there and consider loaning one of them a small amount. If you are in need yourself - this is the place - autism is expensive - this website can help.

1 comment:

Tori said...

Hey thanks for telling your readers about Lend4Health! There's some pretty amazing stuff going on over here. I'm always looking for new loan recipients, and of course, more people to help fund the kids we already have up on the site. If anybody has any questions, I'm at

Tori Tuncan
Founder, Lend4Health [the blogspot address will be replaced hopefully soon when we get the new website!]